비트 코인 뉴스

Janet Yellen 증언의 '비트코인 구매' 메모 경매에서 140,000달러에 육박

In a significant development, a legal pad with the handwritten words “Buy Bitcoin” is currently garnering significant attention in the form of bidding, reaching nearly $140,000 in an ongoing online auction, as reported by Bloomberg.  Janet Yellen’s ‘Buy Bitcoin’ Sign Sparks Auction Frenzy The messag...

이더 리움 뉴스

Why MKR drops against ETH every time MakerDAO sells

MKR’s price decoupled from ETH as MakerDAO sold some tokens. On-chain and technical analysis suggested a bounce to $3,545 when the selling pressure halts. For the past two weeks, a certain multisign wallet, linked to MakerDAO, has moved $14.4 million worth of MKR to different exchanges. According to...


Crypto markets inspire New York Stock Exchange 24/7 trading plan

The New York Stock Exchange is reportedly polling traders to see if they want to open trading up 24 hours a day, seven days a week, similar to cryptocurrency and forex markets. Leading the charge on the proposed change is infamous hedge fund manager Steve Cohen, who is attempting to open up his own ...

금융 뉴스

BAT & Maker Investors Flock to DeeStream Despite Market Volatility

Content creators, streamers, and fans worldwide have outgrown the features and functions of traditional streaming platforms like Twitch, Netflix, etc. Therefore, they are excited to see a decentralized streaming platform that offers more than the traditional platforms.  That being said, streaming pl...

기술 뉴스

리플, 랜드마크 XRP 사건에서 SEC의 2억 달러 벌금에 이의 제기

Ripple Labs has firmly opposed the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) hefty penalty proposal, with a filing that could set a precedent for the cryptocurrency industry. The blockchain giant has contended the near $2 billion fine over its sales of the XRP Ledger’s native token, arguing fo...

NFT 뉴스

Animoca Brands Japan, Square Enix와 협력하여 'Symbiesis' 및 NFT 컬렉션 출시

Animoca Brands의 자회사인 Animoca Brands Japan은 곧 출시될 게임 Symbiesis 및 관련 NFT 컬렉션의 마케팅을 지원하기 위해 Square Enix와 양해각서(MOU)를 체결했습니다. Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts 등 유명 게임으로 유명한 Square Enix가 다음과 같은 기술을 활용할 예정입니다.

블록킹 뉴스

로버트 F. 케네디 주니어, 미국 예산을 블록체인에 투입하겠다고 약속

미국 대통령 무소속 후보인 로버트 F. 케네디 주니어는 일요일 블록체인 기술이 정부를 더욱 투명하게 만드는 데 핵심적인 역할을 할 수 있다고 말하면서 연방 예산의 Web3 개편을 요구했습니다. “나는 미국 전체 예산을 [the] 블록체인에 투입할 것입니다. 그러면 [...] 모든 미국인이...